Varied and unique art in beautiful surroundings

Every year at Easter, Galleri Molevit opens its doors to the delight of both visitors in the city and to the locals. Here you can view, in addition to the owner Pia Andersen's own beautiful works, a large number of works created by changing artists.

Many different genres are exhibited, and each of the exhibiting artists is present in the gallery during the given period, so you always have an opportunity to have a little talk about their inspiration and concept world.

During the season, there are between 12-14 exhibitions, so even if you have visited Galleri Molevit earlier in the year, there is something new to come, also the next time you are in Skagen.

The gallery closes after week 42, and is dormant over the winter before another season starts with the coming of spring.

Galleri Molevit, Jens Klarups Vej 1, 9990 Skagen, +45 86 46 63 07,,