Skagen Odde is completely unique nature

The center's nature exhibition tells about the odd formation and the special features that make Skagen's nature completely unique. In addition, you can get close to the species that are native to Skagens Odde.

During the season, there are daily activities with the nature guide for both children and adults.

In addition, changing exhibitions in art and design and the opportunity to buy art to take home.

The building was designed by the world-renowned Danish architect Jørn Utzon, whose work the center also houses an exhibition around.


Plesner & Bindesbøll - two architects in Skagen. The exhibition is a local history exhibition about Ulrik Plesner and Thorvald Bindesbøll's influence on Skagen's architecture, and is a collaboration between Foreningen Onsdagsskolen and Lokalhistorisk Arkiv Skagen, Kystmuseet.

As an introduction to the exhibition, Emil Bandholm Hansen has filmed Skagen from above, and the buildings with his drone. He has tried to give an overall picture of the architecture as it is now, and has created an overall overview of the city and architecture we all know.

We have (so to speak) nothing against nature. The artists Jens-Peter Kellermann, Peter A.G. Nielsen, Lars Ravn, Torben Stæhr & Zi Fan Meier this year joined forces for an exhibition depicting nature through painting, photography, sculptures and poetry.

Skagen Odde Naturcenter, Bøjlevejen 66, 9990 Skagen, +45 96 79 06 06,,

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