Sandormen kører helt ud hvor Danmark slutter

With a Tractor Bus to the End of Denmark

Take a funfilled ride and experience first hand how nature exerts its forces and continuously changes the shape of the coastline.

In the late 1940s, an enterprising businessman, inspired by the many trips where gravel was collected from Grenen for new construction in the town, came up with the idea of transporting people out to experience where Denmark ends.

The story actually goes that during the trips on Grenen, many visitors asked for a lift with the vehicles used to collect gravel. This led to a bright idea: "Why not turn this into a business where you can earn a penny?"

It didn’t take long from thought to action, and the first primitive vehicles, with benches borrowed from the mission house, were put into use.

Today's trips are conducted with a modern tractor and fixed seats in the wagon. The Sandormen has no fixed schedule, but a tractor regularly departs from Grenen's parking lot.

Follow us on Facebook to see the current opening hours.

Please note, it is not possible to pay by card in the wagons, so please bring cash. It is also possible to buy tickets from the machine at Sandormen's stop.

You can also rent a wagon for special events such as weddings, a milestone birthday, or a larger company outing.

Sandormen | Fyrvej | 9990 Skagen | v/Christian B. Hjermitslev | +45 51 90 40 99 | og Toni Jespersen | +45 40 30 50 42 | |

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